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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
23 mai, 2016
Understanding and Strengthening Resilience for Peace: Timor-Leste Final Report

Frameworks for Assessing Resilience (FAR) is a programme initiated by Interpeace, implemented between 2014 and 2016 with local partners in Guatemala, Liberia and Timor-Leste. The goal of the FAR programme is to understand resilience to violent conflict from a local perspective and to determine how existing capacities for resilience can be leveraged and strenghtened to better […]

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11 mai, 2016
Resilience: Translating promise into reality

Humanitarian need has outpaced humanitarian resources, stemming in part from protracted and recurring conflicts and crises. One of today’s biggest humanitarian challenges is that of displacement, caused by conflict and natural disasters. To further discussion on the need for a resilience perspective, Interpeace and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NCR) are co-hosting a side event at […]

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8 février, 2016
Terre, identité, pouvoir et mouvements de population dans la région des Grands Lacs - Forum des parties prenantes régionales

Le “Forum régional des parties prenantes” constitue à la fois un mécanisme et une étape clé du processus de mise en œuvre de ce programme. Il valide les résultats des actions de rechercheaction participative (RAP) sur une problématique de recherche identifiée de manière inclusive. Cette recherche est menée à la base, auprès des citoyens et […]

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15 janvier, 2016
Somaliland youth violence and youth role role in peacebuilding: Baseline survey

This report seeks to understand the perceptions young people have about trends in youth violence in Somaliland, including extent, actors and causes. It also seeks to lay a foundation for youth empowerment by asking youth what is needed to improve their ability to play a positive role in society. This information will feed into a […]

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13 janvier, 2016
Forum Régional de Kinshasa

Coverage of the Great Lakes Regional Stakeholders' Forum on Radio Spot.

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12 janvier, 2016
La paix par le dialogue et l'education - credo commun à 7 organisations dans la région des Grands Lacs

Coverage of the Great Lakes programme Regional Stakeholders' Forum in the Journal Indépendant d'Informations Générales.

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